Showing the first 17 results out of 17 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from here.
Alexandra Morgan teaches experienced sewers and budding pattern makers how to make and adjust p...
These are my lectures Faculty of engineering Alexandria university
None for profit educational channel for Arabic speaking small animal vets Mohamed Riad Abdel L...
Ph.D., MSc, CMA Holder | Assistant Professor of Accounting | Nile Wise Training & Consulting Fo...
How is climate change shaping our weather? And what can we do about it? In our new series about...
Faculty of Engineering Alexandria University E-learning
Official Channel_ Mechanics_ Faculty of Engineering_ Alexandria University القناة الرسمية لماد...
Alexandra Hospital under the National University Health System (NUHS) in Singapore, provides bo...
Alexandria Quantum Computing Group (AleQCG) is research group that is led by Prof Dr Ahmed Youn...
Educational channel
Mr.Mustafa Mahmoud Graduated From Faculty of Science Alexandria University, With passion for te...
The “AlexandriaU-CRCICA Arbitration Initiative” is a legal education project established by Ale...
Hi! I'm Alexandria but everyone calls me Alex! I'm a 21-year-old business owner and student at ...
We will upload the presentation of the Monthly clinical meeting of the Ophthalmology Department...
Showing the first 17 results out of 17 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from this page.