Showing the first 15 results out of 15 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from here.
KonAiri!!! Lieutenant General of Phase Army, Chisaka Airi, reporting for duty o7! Tags: Art Ta...
Hector Bravo here! Are YOU ready for an inside look at American's most violent prison system, ...
The official YouTube channel for Allen West, Chairman of the Dallas County Republican Party, ED...
Lieutenant Colonel K. Hiroshi (a Japanese Army reservist) show you various Origami aircrafts, w...
Integrated SSB Virtuosos (ISV) is a revolutionary space for Services Selection Board mentoring ...
Temporary Disclaimer: Please know there is a ColTPerez (Ret) on Parler. This person is not me...
Sargis Sangari, Retired Lieutenant Colonel of United States Army, candidate for the 9th distric...
What is up my Owl Army! Lieutenant Owl here and welcome to my main channel. This channel is mos...
Channel related to military/airsoft. If the government takes away my airsoft I don't know what ...
Hello Guys! I served as a lieutenant in the Korean Army. I was a 4.2 inch mortar platoon leader...
Bill Conrad is a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel, Combat Veteran (4 tours in Afghanistan),...
Showing the first 15 results out of 15 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from this page.