Showing the first 18 results out of 18 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from here.
I am a Christian singer, trumpet player, and pianist, holding a Master of Fine Arts in Church M...
Sweet Adelines International is a highly respected worldwide organization of women singers comm...
Under the direction of Justin Miller, The Westminster Chorus is the 2009 ‘Choir of the World’ P...
The Official Channel of the Association of International Champions, an affiliate of the Barbers...
"I am Boo. I sing, play music, do art, and enjoy being a kid and loving life!" - Boo The Lining...
Founded in 1948, the Alexandria Harmonizers is one of the greatest men's choruses on the east c...
Barbershop-Musik ist für viele Menschen eine kleine Heimat geworden. Sie verbindet und begeiste...
Welcome to the official channel for the Far Western District of the Barbershop Harmony Society!...
The Ontario District is one of the seventeen districts of the Barbershop Harmony Society, the w...
The Pioneer District is affiliated with the Barbershop Harmony Society and includes members fro...
Welcome to Barbershop Harmony New Zealand! Join us as we celebrate the joy of barbershop harmon...
The Des Moines Barbershop Harmony Society Chapter Harmony Delegation is an all-male a cappella ...
HAH sings unaccompanied (a cappella) four part harmony, and our repertoire ranges from traditio...
Desperate Measures is the Senior Harmonic Core of Arlington High School, LaGrange, NY, offering...
Noteworthy is Nashville's new a cappella mixed chorus! We are a proud chapter of the Barbershop...
ConFusion are a Mixed Barbershop Quartet from Adelaide, South Australia Gold Medalists 2021 Bar...
Sun Harbor is San Diego's Barbershop Harmony destination. Great music and fellowship. Take a st...
Women's Mother-Daughter, Mother-Daughter Harmony Inc. Barbershop Quartet.
Showing the first 18 results out of 18 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from this page.