Showing the first 18 results out of 18 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from here. 134K subscribers
55.5M views 1101 videos May 2007

Most Holy Family Monastery is a traditional Catholic Benedictine Monastery located in Fillmore,...

Benedictine College 8.4K subscribers
3.1M views 472 videos Sep 2009

Benedictine College is an academic community sponsored by the monks of St. Benedict's Abbey and...

The Desert Monk 4.5K subscribers
238.8K views 168 videos Jul 2020

Br. David, a devoted monk from the Monastery of Christ in the Desert, New Mexico, shares his sp...

Buckfast Abbey 1.8K subscribers
98K views 254 videos May 2017

Located at the centre of a picturesque valley on the edge of Dartmoor National Park, Buckfast A...

Saint Bernard Abbey 1.6K subscribers
182.7K views 247 videos Jul 2015

Saint Bernard Abbey is a monastery of Catholic Benedictine monks located in Cullman, Alabama. T...

Portsmouth Abbey 1.1K subscribers
124.5K views 3264 videos Nov 2019

Portsmouth Abbey Monastery is an American Benedictine house of the English Benedictine Congrega...

Saint Andrew's Abbey 586 subscribers

Saint Andrew's Abbey is a Benedictine Monastery of Monks in Valyermo, California. The

Downside Abbey 444 subscribers

Centuries of Benedictine heritage in the heart of Somerset, UK. #monastery #school #library #

St. Procopius Abbey 211 subscribers

St. Procopius Abbey is a Benedictine monastery of priests and brothers, who live in community, ...

Holy Wisdom Monastery 208 subscribers

Holy Wisdom Monastery is an ecumenical Benedictine community of communities, located near Madis...

We are a contemporary Benedictine monastery that fosters curiosity and understanding, welcoming...

Prince of Peace Abbey 141 subscribers

A Benedictine Monastery in Oceanside California.

We belong to a Federation of Benedictine Communities. Our life consists of prayer, service, and...

Douai Abbey 134 subscribers

Douai Abbey is a Benedictine monastery in Berkshire (UK) where a community of monks live and pr...

St. Paul's Monastery 107 subscribers

St. Paul's Monastery is a Community of Benedictine Sisters and Benedictine Associates, plus hun...

We are a small, contemplative Benedictine monastery, located in Windsor, NY, about 165 miles we...

Ewu Monastery 34 subscribers

Ewu Monastery is home to a community of Benedictine monks. It is a place of prayer, study, hosp...

Showing the first 18 results out of 18 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from this page.