Showing the first 18 results out of 18 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from here.

Satin Jackets 51.4K subscribers
50.5M views 73 videos Apr 2014

Satin Jackets is represented by Paperclip Artist Management AS Andres Dahl Georgernes Verft 12...

Visit Bergen 6.6K subscribers
19.2M views 260 videos Oct 2009

Visit Bergen is a common body for promoting the City of Bergen in Norway and abroad. Our activi...

Leiv Reed 4.4K subscribers
645.6K views 65 videos Feb 2007

Norwegian musician based in Bergen, Norway. Music available on Youtube, Spotify, Apple Music an...

The Musical Slave 2.5K subscribers
383K views 8 videos Dec 2013

The Musical Slave is a street musician and storyteller from Bergen, on the west coast of Norway...

Become Norwegian 1.5K subscribers
150.8K views 37 videos Jul 2023

An Australian, a Dane and a Brit - three non Norwegians learning all about the Norwegian lifest...

Absence 1.3K subscribers
227.7K views 39 videos Oct 2012

ABSENCE: Temporary loss of conciousness Est. 1999 Norwegian champions in breaking 2012. ...

winter guests is an international touring company performing works by Alan Lucien Øyen from Ber...

Gravel Boys Bergen, Norway 395 subscribers

Adventure bikers from Bergen, Norway. There was a plan for a trip back and forth to Mongolia in...

8–12 February 2023 at the Bergen House of Literature (Norway). International literary

Sail By Summer 156 subscribers

Sail by Summer • Fjords, mountains, rivers of gold. Lots of rain and the summer is cold, this i...

Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting (BCEPS) at the University of Bergen, Norway, is a...

Childi$h Behaviour is a afro/norwegian hiphop duo formed in 2022 in Bergen,Norway, consisting o...

Bergen Norway 33 subscribers

Welcome to Bergen Norway Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of

Knee-high Spin Kick 22 subscribers

International Rock Band⬛ from Bergen, Norway. Lars Andersen Vetle Bergmann Francesco Sacco Chri...

Videos from projects and other events by NODE rådgivende ingeniører AS, Bergen, Norway.

Kahuna Airlines 3 subscribers

Flying Norway PPL A Bergen Aero Klubb Flesland.

Location: Bergen, Norway Date of Birth: 10 November 2015.

The C64/Amiga tribute band from Bergen, Norway whose ideal is to provide stunning rock remakes ...

Showing the first 18 results out of 18 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from this page.