Showing the first 5 results out of 5 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from here.

East Germany Investigated 47.7K subscribers
2.5M views 41 videos Oct 2021

Hi there! I have been interested in the Cold War, Iron Curtain and Berlin Wall since I was a c...

Naked Aggression 59 subscribers

Inspired by the Fall of the Berlin Wall Naked Aggression started protesting the 1st Gulf War an...

Madame Claude 21 subscribers

Formerly a brothel very close to the Berlin wall, MADAME CLAUDE is a bar located in the Kreuzbe...

Josef Stalin 4 subscribers

The best memes both sides of the Berlin Wall.

Showing the first 5 results out of 5 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from this page.