Showing the first 19 results out of 19 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from here.
Named after Russian Dr Konstantin Buteyko, the Buteyko Method consists of a series of breathing...
The easiest guided meditations and calm breathing exercises. Try our simple relaxation practice...
Gentle Somatic Yoga® (GSY) and Somatic Wellness™ is a reliable approach to: • Relieve or disso...
Level 3 and Academy Lead Trainer Wim Hof Method instructor Certified breathe coach Lover of na...
Welcome to ASMR Somatic Surrender! We create ASMR for somatic healing and holistic wellness ...
Learn how to apply the Buteyko Breathing Method to overcome various health problems and achieve...
Welcome to Meditation Methods by Leatha. Here we will explore the seven variations of mediation...
We are Jane and Phil, and in 2023 we bought a long-abandoned small farm on a wooded hillside in...
I'm a martial arts enthusiast with an interest in the understanding internal martial arts metho...
Equine Breathing is an holistic method that enables horse owners to help their horse recover fr...
Enhance your quality of life using science backed methods on the basis of breathing, sleep, and...
If you are searching for a way to emerge from chronic pain, or chronic anxiety, or if you keep ...
Breathe your way to better health through the Buteyko Breathing method. Korina is a Buteyko
Certified Senior Instructor of Nishino Breathing Metod®︎, ich lebe in Goslar und möchte Nishino...
Thinking outside the box to bring you natural health and wellness. The Kremer Method incorporat...
YOGA:Utilizing Yogic Positioning, breathing, meditation, massage and opening techniques joined ...
When performing the breathing method, count to inhale, exhale, and hold. If you are chanting th...
The Buteyko Breathing Method is a natural way to control symptoms of asthma and other breathing...
Showing the first 19 results out of 19 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from this page.