Showing the first 12 results out of 12 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from here.
Sabusia Extra Band is a music group band from Gusii Kenya performing local Benga,Rumba and Trad...
The Norwegian Soloists' Choir is an innovative young ensemble, steeped in a rich history. As on...
“Choir Awards embraces local community choir, acappella choir, school or university choir, ...
Founded in 1948, the Alexandria Harmonizers is one of the greatest men's choruses on the east c...
***Royal Philharmonic Society Inspiration Award winners 2020*** Join in with our award-winning...
BOJO LIJAUCO (Ramon Molina Lijauco, Jr. is an international choral conductor, clinician, and a...
The Official Youtube Channel for the University of Bath Choral and Orchestral Society. ChaOS is...
The Choral Society of Durham was founded in 1949 by Jane Watkins Sullivan and Marian Wallace Sm...
Original arrangements, covers, solos, groups and choruses. Town Criers, Virginians, Jefferson C...
ROCS (RMIT Occasional Choral Society) is a student run choir at RMIT University. For over twent...
Showing the first 12 results out of 12 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from this page.