Showing the first 50 results out of 147 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from here.
Nous pratiquons l'exploration urbaine depuis 2004, et c 'est en 2019 que nous avons eu le proje...
GlassCast® Resin is the #1 choice for professional furniture makers, craftspeople, artists, flo...
The European Investment Bank is the lending arm of the European Union. We provide finance and e...
Welcome to the EU in Syria YouTube channel! Explore our projects, partnerships, and uplifting s...
Relations between the European Union and its neighbours based on a shared vision for the future...
EDU-ARCTIC is an EU-funded project focused on Arctic research to strengthen science education a...
Opportunities Are Here! Empowering and building the creative talent of African youth. A projec...
We are an EU-funded project that connects cultural practitioners worldwide for dialogue, exchan...
concentris is specialized in the management of EU-funded research projects, project marketing, ...
Shawn Mallia - MT Professional Wrought Iron Artist Designed by Shawn Consult | Design | Projec...
SHARE is an EU Grant funded project with an overarching objective to strengthen regional cooper...
The international intellectual property cooperation projects funded by the EU promote and suppo...
RobLog Reutlingen houses all of the videos for the RobLog project, an EU funded project #270350...
Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework - EU Support is a project financed by the European Union and i...
The RECONNECT research project, an EU Horizon 2020 project, seeks to create a new narrative for...
Sustainable Energy is the youtube channel of the EU funded project ""Support for the financial ...
The biennial European Climate Change Adaptation conference (ECCA) is convened by EU-funded proj...
The EU-funded TRUST and PREPARED projects aim for equitable research partnerships around the wo...
AGEMI (Advancing gender equality in the media) is an EU-funded project that aims to promote a
The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility is the EU-funded Project working with the six Ea...
UniSAFE is an EU-funded project that aims to support higher education, research organisations a...
The EU Global Facility on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism is an...
DisTerrMem (Disputed Territories & Memory) is a three-year EU-funded project (2019-2022) in whi...
Arctic PASSION is an EU Horizon 2020-funded project that aims to co-create and implement an
WEAR Sustain is an EU-wide wearables & e-textiles project confronting ethics & sustainability t...
This channel hosts the videos for the EU H2020 project WiPLASH. WiPLASH stands for ""Architecti...
Welcome to the YouTube channel for the Usable Packaging Project. Here you will find video updat...
UPPER – Unleashing the Potential of Public Transport in Europe – is a Horizon Europe project ru...
i-PROGNOSIS: Intelligent Parkinson early detection guiding novel supportive interventions (EU H...
The EU-funded WideHealth project aims to conduct research on pervasive eHealth and establish a ...
The FERTILE project (Artful Educational Robotics to promote Computational Thinking in a Blended...
LAUNCH H2020 is an EU-funded project seeking to enable the aggregation of sustainable energy pr...
Welcome to the Youtube Channel of EMERGE! EMERGE is a an innovative 4-year EU-funded project ai...
SoluTions foR mItiGatinG climate-induced hEalth thReats (TRIGGER) Project aims to deepen curren...
RIVER-EU (Reducing Inequalities in Vaccine uptake in the European Region – Engaging Underserved...
The IMMEDIATE project aims to develop personalised prediction strategies for non-communicable d...
DiCE—Digital Citizenship In Early Years Education—is an Erasmus+ KA2 project that aims to infus...
SCENARIOS is a 4-year H2020 Research and Innovation project (RIA) involving 19 partners from 10...
RADICAL is a Horizon 2020 FET-Open project to develop a brand-new way of detecting atmospheric
BEYOND is a Horizon Europe project dedicated to exploring the underlying causes of research mis...
The project REFERENCE - ""REgional Funds for EuRopEaN CohEsion"" aims to strengthen and improve...
Against COVID backdrop, the core of the RESTART is to develop innovative training to equip the ...
Showing the first 50 results out of 147 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from this page.