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2024: XIII Aniversario de CAFE PSICOANALITICO: The World Famous Television Program of Psychoana...
Canal no youtube para discutir sobre a psicanálise de Freud e de Lacan, formação em psicanálise...
This is a platform for a community of psychoanalytic thinkers, clinicians, scholars, academics,...
The Boundary Language Channel is authored by Don Kunze, who continues to teach architecture the...
Matías Gonzalez. Lic. en Psicología. [email protected] Psicoanálisis desde...
This channel was created the 7th of July 2020 by the Bureau of the London Society to support th...
Escuela de formación y transmisión del psicoanálisis
Esta oficina faz parte de um projeto realizado pela Liga Académica de Psicanálise e Psicopatolo...
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