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國際佛教觀音寺的弘法宗旨:「持戒為本、經教為依、觀心為要、淨土為歸」。讓人們通過正信佛教的修行,活出身心清靜,廣結善緣的人生。將来更能超凡入聖,常住無上正等正覺。 觀音寺以無私的貢獻,在本地...
Welcome to our YouTube channel dedicated to Modern Kadampa Buddhism! Here, we explore the profo...
Official YouTube Channel for Siddhartha's Intent, a Buddhist organization under the direction o...
The Knowledge Base ( is an ongoing project to preserve and pub...
Wat Pah Nanachat, The International Forest Monastery in Ubon Rachathani, Thailand offers many B...
Welcome to the Karmapa International Buddhist Institute (KIBI) channel! KIBI promotes basic Bu...
Understanding Buddhism channel is dedicated to exploring the fundamentals of Dhamma and Abhidha...
The International Buddhist Academy in Kathmandu was founded in 2001 by Ven. Khenchen Appey Rinp...
The Europe Center is an international project of Diamond Way Buddhism, a hub and a meeting plac...
Amitabha Buddhist Centre (ABC) is a non-profit Buddhist organisation, officially established on...
Master N.Gowri Shankar, B.E, Founder of Energy Ball Healing Professional Tai Chi & Qi-Gong ...
SBT - The Secular Buddhist Tradition, is an international spiritual community established by Ve...
Rachel Meyer is an American writer and yoga teacher based in Switzerland. She draws from her ro...
The Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Academy is a delightful Cultural International Community Centre...
As provided for in the Constitution, the International Buddhist Foundation (IBF) established th...
Steven Subodha Nuñez is a Dharma Teacher and lay minister at the International Buddhist Meditat...
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