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Я Вас приветствую мои дорогие подписчики! Это канал для родителей, дети которых увлекаются конс...
Anna Zhilyaeva - Virtual Reality Artist - Speaker Mixed reality videos & Live performances worl...
At De Montfort University Leicester (DMU), we know that what you learn in books is just the sta...
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit” – Aristotle (Cont...
Up Degree is a group of highly skilled IT professionals with strong technical knowledge of vari...
My goal for this channel is to offer clear and concise examples of how to perform tasks and bui...
MariaDB Foundation is a nonprofit organisation established in October 2012 with the purpose to ...
Magic Software is a global company with 4 decades of IT experience in Industry 4.0, integration...
Trainocate is the leading Training Provider in Asia, with our presence in most of Asia countrie...
Bands For Hire are the UK's leading live music agency, representing a wide range of live party ...
✔️ Free Software installation links with detail tutorials with modern trends in following domai... provides peace of mind to thousands of customers like Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Palo Al...
Meritforge provides best corporate training and certification on IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, HP, Ad...
News about Oracle software licensing, Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, SAP and much more. Both livestrea...
Trident Information Systems stands out as a global leader in IT services, boasting a remarkable...
Knowledge4sure is an amazing resource that facilitates those who want to pass their Cisco, Micr...
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