Showing the first 10 results out of 10 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from here.

Practical Robert's Rules 1.4K subscribers
109.5K views 4 videos Feb 2016

Examples of real Parliamentary Procedure usage in real meetings and conventions. This is how i...

2.6K views 11 videos Dec 2013

The National Association of Parliamentarians® (NAP) serves the needs of today's parliamentarian...

Video examples of good and bad parliamentary procedure, and the rule or rules that are being fo...

Parliamentary procedure 11 subscribers

GROUP 7 Lambaco, Marmina Magbojos, Mindyra Namoc, Sophia Natulla, Christy.

Mizoram Legislative Assembly has been marching towards progress in parliamentary practice and p...

We provide and promote opportunities for the study of parliamentary procedure based on Robert's...

Showing the first 10 results out of 10 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from this page.