Showing the first 50 results out of 303 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from here.
Russian Media Monitor is a fully independent and self-funded project on media literacy and news...
I'm a full-time Mad Scientist creating tons of crazy inventions with futuristic technology ❤ T...
The Official YouTube channel of guitar and vocal powerhouse Philip Sayce. This is where you'll ...
Hello and welcome - MetallurgyData is a self-funded project conducted in my spare time with one...
Samuel Loncar, Ph.D. (Yale) is a philosopher, writer, and editor curating and creating new know...
Founded in 1868, Lincoln Park Zoo is dedicated to connecting people with nature through a free,...
The Western Australian Clinical Training Network (WACTN) has funded several successful simulate...
The Demographic & Health Surveys (DHS) Program is a USAID-funded project that collects, analyze...
Market-Oriented Dairy (MOD) Project, based in Sri Lanka, is funded by the United States Departm...
The Funded Project is a not-for-profit platform of like-minded businesses that have banded toge...
Relations between the European Union and its neighbours based on a shared vision for the future...
For more than 40 years, the Rolex Awards for Enterprise have supported individuals who push the...
ADAPT is a five-year (2013-2018) research project, funded by the European Research Council and ...
Information channel for the ILAD Rohingya Program, Dallas, Texas Funded by Harold Simmons Foun...
Memon Medical Institute Hospital A brain child of some of the leading philanthropists of the Me...
The Integrated Crop Pollination Project research team is investigating the performance, economi...
Data ki duniya mai apka swagat hai 😃 Here you will get FREE latest courses, industry tips & tr...
The UK's largest community funder, awarding funds from The National Lottery to projects that st...
This is the YouTube channel for the videos of #dariahTeach project, an online platform for teac...
The Erasmus+ co-funded project 'PREVENT IT: Risk Management and Prevention of Antibiotics Resis...
Conspiracy and Democracy Project: History, Political Theory and Internet Research The Leverhulm...
Contexts of and Relations between Early Writing Systems (CREWS) is a European Research Council ...
Pre-Arrival Supports and Services (PASS), funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canad...
We are an EU-funded project that connects cultural practitioners worldwide for dialogue, exchan...
Only prisoners have time to read, and if you want to engage in a twenty-year long research proj...
concentris is specialized in the management of EU-funded research projects, project marketing, ...
This is a project started/funded/initiated by two good friends, we post content related to Demo...
Official YouTube channel of the Sustainable Agriculture Intensification and Food Security Proje...
All Children Reading–Cambodia is a USAID funded project, supporting the Ministry of Education Y...
SHARE is an EU Grant funded project with an overarching objective to strengthen regional cooper...
The international intellectual property cooperation projects funded by the EU promote and suppo...
RobLog Reutlingen houses all of the videos for the RobLog project, an EU funded project #270350...
This is the YouTube channel of ""TACO: Taming Complexity in Materials Modeling"", a special res...
This is the official Youtube channel of the ""Shaping fair cities"" project, funded by the Euro...
This channel contains outputs from events resulting from the AHRC funded Sonic Writing research...
The Human Behaviour Change Project is a Wellcome Trust funded project to build and evaluate an ...
Sustainable Energy is the youtube channel of the EU funded project ""Support for the financial ...
This channel hosts content from the SNF funded Medieval Convent Drama Project at the University...
Started in May 2020, Prevent Plastics is a four-year project funded by the European Union with ...
The biennial European Climate Change Adaptation conference (ECCA) is convened by EU-funded proj...
Charitable organisation Music in the Community - Kingston upon Hull Funded music projects #yout...
The EU-funded TRUST and PREPARED projects aim for equitable research partnerships around the wo...
The Battery Pass project, led by system change company SYSTEMIQ GmbH and funded by the German F...
The Anthropology of Smartphones and Smart Ageing is a multi-sited research project based at UCL...
Communities, Languages, and Activities App (ENACT) is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Progr...
This channel aims to contribute to the dissemination activities of the European Union's funded ...
AGEMI (Advancing gender equality in the media) is an EU-funded project that aims to promote a
OCEAN is a Horizon Europe-funded project developing innovative technologies and solutions to im...
The Environmental Data Initiative is an NSF-funded project meant to accelerate curation and arc...
The SECClasS (Sustainability Enhanced Construction Classification System) project - funded by E...
Showing the first 50 results out of 303 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from this page.