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Quran’s message has no crookedness or contradictions Allah ﷻ says in the Quran: Do they not t...
♥️Surely▪️In The Remembrance Of ALLAH ﷻ Do Hearts Find Comfort♥️ ♥️ALLAH سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَا...
just another convert striving for Jannah 🌼🕋🌎🕌📚 After saying my first shahada alone in 2018, the...
﷽ - In the name of Allah most gracious, most compassionate. السلام عليكم Peace be upon you! @...
Surely Allah gives honor.Our aim is to inform you about the rates of sacrificial animals.And te...
Assalam o alaikum Here are we, Akmal Sohail (MSc Zoology. Med) Amir Sohail (MSc Zoology) with ...
Hi my name is Huda Siddiqui with my co host Rida Siddiqui and we're here to help people who lov...
Assalamu A’laykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh Surah At Takathur (#102) Competition for more...
If you put your trust in Allah, something good will surely happen, In sha Allah.
Allah hu akbar kabiraaaa Alhumdulillah we are Manhaj e salaf Ahlul hadith zindabaaad Allah tala...
The person who gives up something out of fear of Allah,,, he will surely give something better ...
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