Showing the first 24 results out of 24 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from here.
Khawaja Gharib Nawaz Welfare Trust International is a non-governmental organization committed t...
Welcome to Social Protection Hub, your go-to source for Social Protection insights! Discover th...
Fulfill With Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established July 2, 2022, and loc...
Welcome to the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics YouTube channel...
PayPal Donations The area that I cover is called South Holland District, which is 750.8km in wh...
Founded in 1909 and recognized as the birthplace of university-based nurse education, the Unive...
Berkely Public Health: Healthy People, Locally and Globally The first school of public health ...
Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health is one of the nation’s largest nonprofit organizations, pro...
The Kirby Institute is a leading global research institute dedicated to the prevention and trea...
KELIN is a human rights NGO working to protect and promote health-related human rights in Kenya...
TGB Charity was founded in 2018. In order to raise the public's awareness of vulnerable populat...
We unleash the potential of communities to thrive, no matter the odds. Since 1973, we’ve offer...
One of the biggest challenges facing women and children in Nigeria is access to health care ser...
The "Stemming Irregular Migration in Northern and Central Ethiopia — SINCE" Programme is funded...
This channel was created for HLTH 425 students to upload video content.
Passionate Hearts Ministries is a Ugandan charity dedicated to supporting vulnerable population...
Voices and Visuals Initiative (VVI) is a women-led hybrid consultancy and civil society initiat...
* We are a team of young people from all over the world working for the betterment of refugees ...
AFRIL works with refugees and asylum seekers. We are a small locally run charity based in Lewi...
Spirituality is the missing piece in humanitarian work, yet is essential for vulnerable populat...
Bridging the Gaps links the provision of health-related service for vulnerable populations with...
Our mission: Take action and bear witness alongside vulnerable population Humanity &
SEDAD's overarching goal is to advance social inclusion and empower disabled and vulnerable pop...
This is the video page of Libre Expresión, in Honduras. Mission: We empo...
Showing the first 24 results out of 24 in the database. If you need more, you can download the CSV file from this page.