American Poolplayers Association - APA

Subscribers 66,100
Views 19,415,332
Videos 1,184
Country US
Created Jul 2007 (17 years old)
Topics Sport Lifestyle_(sociology)


APA is the World's Largest Pool League with Leagues in the U.S., Canada, Japan, and Singapore. We conduct four major pool tournaments each year - the APA Poolplayer Championships, APA Junior Championships, APA World Pool Championships and U.S. Amateur Championships where over $2 Million is awarded annually. In 2010, Guinness named the APA World Pool Championships the World's Largest Pool Tournament!

APA has also been recognized as one of the top small business and home-based franchise opportunities in the world.

One of the keys to the success of the APA is The Equalizer®, the unique handicapping and scoring system that makes it possible for players of different playing abilities — especially novices and beginners — to compete on an equal basis.

Come Have Fun, Meet People, Play Pool in the APA!

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