Adam Millard - The Architect of Games

Subscribers 436,000
Views 53,017,705
Videos 128
Country GB
Created Jan 2011 (14 years old)
Topics Action_game Role-playing_video_game Video_game_culture Action-adventure_game Strategy_video_game


Games are fun, so games criticism should be too! This channel is dedicated to exploring game design, critique and thematic exploration in a laid back, occasionally funny style. Hosted by The Architect, the psychologically-questionable manifestation of wannabe games writer Adam Millard's inner monologue, The Architect of Games seeks to answer long-standing gaming questions, give insight into your favourite titles and maybe even teach you something new about how we analyse media.

Whether it's unpicking the reasons why a game works so well, or analysing what caused the industry's biggest flops, The Architect will be talking about all this and more two times a month... probably.

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