Coach Schuman Sports and Entertainment

Subscribers 1,150,000
Views 999,730,398
Videos 13,763
Country US
Created May 2009 (15 years old)
Topics Society Sport American_football


🏈 Welcome to Coach Schuman Sports and Entertainment! πŸŽ₯

We are focused on sports coverage, breakdowns, interviews with the best in sports. We are also focused on entertainment and politics including election coverage, political conversation and covering important and fun topics of the day. Our sports coverage has a big focus on football. We also cover sports like basketball, track and field, baseball and extreme sports.

Get ready for in-depth football breakdowns, self-improvement strategies, and exclusive content designed to help young athletes grow both on and off the field. As the leader of NUC Sports, the nation’s longest-running high school football combines and camps, Coach Schuman provides unparalleled insights and opportunities for athletes to elevate their game and get noticed by college recruiters. πŸš€

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