Commonwealth Club World Affairs (CCWA)

Subscribers 202,000
Views 36,718,334
Videos 2,818
Language en
Country US
Created Apr 2007 (17 years old)
Topics Politics Society


The Commonwealth Club World Affairs of California (CCWA) is the nation's largest non-partisan public affairs forum. The product of a 2023 merger between The Commonwealth Club of California, founded in 1903, and The World Affairs Council of Northern California, founded in 1947, CCWA is dedicated to reenergizing dynamic civic space in the Bay Area by cultivating new ideas, connection and action through engaging live programs and inspiring stories.

CCWA organizes weekly in-person, virtual and hybrid events covering politics, culture, society, the economy and much more. Join us as we reimagine what a public affairs forum can be in the 21st century.

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