Civil Services Preparatory School—CSPs

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Country PK
Created Jan 2019 (6 years old)
Topics Knowledge Society


Civil Service Preparatory School (CSPs) is a proud initiative to impart quality education services to the young lot aspiring to join Civil Service of Pakistan. We are the only institution in the Islamabad region to boast of a faculty comprising a vast galaxy of most capable professionals including prominent civil servants, subject specialists, and eminent educationists to extend our young aspirants the guidance and patronage at all stages of CSS & PMS Preparation.

Not oblivious of the challenges faced in the competitive examination, CSPs offers a vibrant and most conducive environment to our learners focusing on pursuing knowledge, conceptual clarity, and individual coaching. Unfettered from commercial lust and business competition, the distinguishing features are;

Best success rates in CSS/PMS Examinations including the toppers
Most capable and experienced faculty
Class enrollment confined to 60-65
Contact us 0316-5701593

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