Subscribers 8,200,000
Views 3,441,506,402
Videos 1,953
Country IN
Created Dec 2015 (9 years old)
Topics Television_program Film Entertainment Humour


Green Gold Animation proudly stands as one of the finest spearheads in the Indian Animation Industry.
We now present Green Gold Kids which has set the ball rolling to impart knowledge in a fun way with educational videos teaching them lessons that last a lifetime. The videos aim to help the kids mould themselves as better learners and the visuals make it easy to memorize general knowledge is worked on with videos showing the country's heritage and culture.
The channel is laid out in a way that creates a joyful learning experience, teaching them various things from the characters like Chhota Bheem's patriotism and bravery, Mighty Raju's moral code, Lovely Singh's determination and zeal, Luvv Kush's wisdom and brotherhood etc. The content is primarily educational and has incidental entertainment, hooking the kids up to learn more.
Do subscribe to our channel and make your fun time worthwhile.

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