Subscribers 391,000
Views 66,658,323
Videos 871
Country US
Created Jun 2020 (4 years old)
Topics Lifestyle_(sociology) Hobby


Want to learn about the hobby of magnet fishing and see the fun treasures that can be found? Then you've found the right channel! We are best friends and we magnet fish around Southeast Michigan, and anywhere else we can. Our names are Jason and Randy. We aim to have new videos up weekly. Subscribe to our channel to keep up to date with our explorations.

*The other members of the Motor City Magnet Fishers are Jason's wife Yvonne and daughter Avery and Randy's Daughter Peyton.

Follow us on Instagram @motorcitymagnetfishers for up to date pics on our finds.

We can be found on TikTok @MotorCityMagnetFishers

Interested in the magnets we use? follow this link to check out the best magnets on the market.
Use discount code Motorcity12 at checkout

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