Netsebraq Media - ነፀብራቅ ሚዲያ

Subscribers 1,010,000
Views 185,282,327
Videos 681
Language en
Country US
Created Mar 2017 (7 years old)
Topics Film Entertainment


Netsebraq Media is the premier destination for amazing latest original videos concerning Ethiopia. We update our channel on regular basis, always current, always engaging. We are growing every day!

Netsebraq Media is your ultimate destination for extraordinary entertainment, informative and educational videos. Netsebraq Media works with talented entertainers and artists, in all proficiency coming together creating unique entertainment performances. The performances extend beyond the show creating an interactive experience.

Netsebraq Media is a dynamic company established with the objective of producing musics, films, Comedy, TV shows, radio programs etc. We are increasing our channel content on regular basis to cover a broad spectrum of topics. Our channel works in collaboration with top Ethiopian media outlets . All audio visual contents on our channel are done solely by the Netsebraq Media Team. Thank you for stopping by and subscribe to our channel if you enjoyed the videos.

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