Subscribers 1,800,000
Views 255,463,495
Videos 1,263
Country IN
Created Mar 2019 (5 years old)
Topics Lifestyle_(sociology) Health Physical_fitness


Welcome to my Youtube Channel #HealthCity . I Dt. Suman Chauhan (Certified Dietitian, Yoga Expert & Fitness Trainer) always tried my best to give you accurate and beneficial knowledge to keep you Healthy through Natural & Easy Way. It's a General Information Channel about Health & Beauty.

The information provided on this channel and its videos is for general purposes only and should not be considered professional advice. Our videos are only for General Information and are based on our experience. Any information provided in our videos should not be considered a substitute for prescriptions suggested by local beauty, diet and health care professionals. Viewers are subjected to use this information at their own risk. This channel does not take any responsibility for any harm, side effects, illness or any health or skin care problems caused due to our videos.

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