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Views 34,926,771
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Created Nov 2017 (7 years old)
Topics Entertainment Television_program Knowledge Film


This is the home of "The History of the World", a new documentary series. The series tells the history of the world in a whole new way: with footage from hundreds of different historical films, TV-series and documentaries. Gladiator and Gravity, Alexander and Lincoln, Vikings and Band of Brothers - this is a history documentary unlike anything you've seen before.

The History of the World uses footage from films, TV-series and documentaries from all over the world to tell its story: Hollywood blockbusters, HBO TV-shows, Bollywood movies, Chinese cinema, European epics, Turkish television – everything is included.

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The History of the World will consist of ten volumes, each divided into two or three parts.

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Videos from channel

Published Title Description Views
Aug 27, 2020 Age of Empires - Part 1: The Roman Republic, Maurya India & Qin China | History of the World vol. II This video tells the story of the rise to power of the great... 9,403,920
Apr 16, 2020 Age of Empires: Trailer | The History of the World - Volume II The new trailer for the upcoming instalment in the History o... 69,930
Jan 09, 2020 The Ancient World - Part 2: Classical Greece, Confucius & Buddha | The History of the World vol. I Cannot access the video? It is also available here: https://... 2,142,198
Jan 09, 2020 The Ancient World Part 1: The First Civilizations | The History of the World This is the first part of The History of the World, a new do... 21,329,980
Oct 14, 2019 The History of the World Trailer This is the trailer for The History of the World, a new docu... 151,573